Fit (Body & Line) Analysis

Look taller, leaner, and more expensive

businessman before and after of an ill fitting suit with a perfect fit suit to look taller leaner and more expensive


  • Learn the image consultant’s ABC’s of what to Accentuate, Balance, and Camouflage.

  • Understand how to adapt the appearance of your body’s proportions by applying an algorithm of where you are long and where you are short.

  • Discover the guidelines for the shapes of clothing to flatter your body type.

  • Learn the fabric textures and and pattern sizes to compliment your facial features.

  • Understand where necklines should be shaped and how low or high based on your face shape and body proportions.

  • Learn a key technique for how to create harmony and balance to determine your best length for necklines, jewelry and hair.

  • Discover how eyewear should be shaped to flatter your facial features.

Why would I need a Fit (body & Line) Analysis?

With the right fit, you can instantly look taller, leaner, and more expensive! The Fit (Body & Line) Analysis teaches you how to best dress your body through the “ABC’s” principle. With our help, you will discover what features to Accentuate, Balance, and Camouflage using clothing proportions, necklines, patterns, textures, and silhouettes. When you learn the shapes and line directions of your body, you will find more confidence in realizing its not your body that needs to change shape, but your clothing!

While you can request this service separately, we include the Fit (Body & Line) Analysis in all of our packages, as we truly believe it is one of the three key pillars in your image portfolio. The image portfolio is comprised of color, fit, and style analyses to encapsulate everything you need to look and feel your best for the rest of your life!  

We allow one-hour for this custom service in the Deluxe and Premium packages, while in the Standard package, we allow for thirty minutes as it excludes further education and demonstrations of the fundamentals.

Why This is Our Favorite

We have found that everyone wants to look taller and leaner—and that’s what we deliver with this custom fit analysis. We may innately know when something does not make us “feel” good—but we are not sure why. We provide all the answers and explain proportions, hemlines, necklines, alteration-tips, pattern-sizes and placement that affect the way we feel and look in our clothing. This is our favorite because we teach you your perfect fit that makes you feel good about your body and confident in your clothing! Plus, you truly will look more fit in your perfect fit!


  • $150

  • Included in every IOIC package at a discounted rate.

    • (While this is usually a one-hour service, the Standard package is only 30 minutes, as it excludes education and demonstrations of the fundamentals).